Table des matières

Truces & Astuces

Je met ici des informations glanées ça et là


Les exemples de Formatting Syntax ne montrent pas tout.

Afficher des images sans lien

Informations copiées d'autres sites


J'ai modifié certains points (notamment supprimé des plugins) d'après mes goûts.

Plugins intéressants



To turn it off, use ~~DISCUSSION:off~~.

If you want to show the existing discussion but don't want to allow new comments / replies, use ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~.

A custom title can be appended after the separator |.

~~DISCUSSION|Custom Title String~~
~~DISCUSSION:closed|Custom Title String~~

Threads syntax

This displays a list of all pages of the given namespace with a discussion section. The list is sorted by the most recent comment.


cf Discussion pour plus de détails

Ceci est une note.



This is my note ! Remember it!!

<note important>
Warning ! You're about to lose your mind ;-)

<note tip>
The clues are in the images.

<note warning>
Beware of the cat when you open the door !!

You can use the note keywords important, warning and tip. Or some French synonyms: importante(important), bloquante, critique (warning), tuyau, idée (tip), classique (classic). It is quite easy to add new types of notes if you know a bit of PHP and CSS.
Plugin won't work inside numbered list



The simplest way is:

<hidden>Hidden text</hidden>

This will display the default text “Click to display ⇲” when the text is hidden, and “Click to hide ⇱” when it's visible.

Some options may be added inside the opening <hidden> tag:

Option Effect Example
any textuse this text instead of the defaults “Click to display” and “Click to hide” <hidden click me!>hidden text</hidden>
onHidden=“any text”Display this text when the section is hiddensee below
onVisible=“any text”Display this text when the section is unfolded<hidden onHidden=“Click to read more” onVisible=“Click to see less”>Hidden text</hidden>
onExportPdf=“any text”Display this text when the page is dw2pdf exported in pdf (defaults to the onVisible text)<hidden onExportPdf=“you're reading a pdf, you can't click me”>hidden text</hidden>
initialState=“visible”The block will initially be expanded. Readers may still click to hide it
-noprintthe text “click to display” won't appear on the printed copy
-edit=“any text”Add an “edit” button below the hidden section.The text will appear when one let his mouse on the button
-editSame as above, but a default text is used

Please note that Dokuwiki formatting syntax may be used with options like “onHidden”. It's possible to add a button that will hide/display every hidden blocks at once using:



<hiddenSwitch Here comes my custom text>

Therefore, to see it in action, you could create such a page:

<hidden>My first hidden block</hidden>
<hidden>My second hidden block</hidden>


Note: this feature used to be provided by a separate plugin. However, since “hidden v2015-08-12”, they have been merged